
Customer Testimonials

"Quite easy and interactive interface, a good & lovely way to do business, yeah and also tracking my other outlets current business status in online."
- Mr. Salim, Restoran Al-Safa
"Perfect interface for retail business and user-friendly pos system. We really expanded with viz pos. Now we can keep on top of our inventory, transactions, customer details, analytics—things we’ve never been able to do before. Important thing is ultimate customer care with skilled technicians."
- Mr. Rafeeq, A Jamal Mohamed & Co
"Love this pos! I have been using this for my business for the last 6 years and have not had any issue. Works every time and it is really convenient for my employees."
- Mr. Isman Ali, Hamza Cafe vs Kandar
"Good for restaurant business. It has excellent features like detailed reporting, live sales, alerts and notifications for management."
- Mr. Ubaidullah, My Nasi Kandar
"This is the one exactly what i am looking for my restaurant business. Really nice and it is easy to use. I used a few pos system before but this one is the best."
- Mr. Zaman, Restoran Mamu AK Bistro
"Viz pos has been our significant partner growth and in making our business happen. Very user friendly and simple."
- Mr.Yasin, Restoran MDS
"Its a good pos system, i have been using this pos for 4 years, good recommendation for everyone that just started or have a business."
- Mr.Kamarul Zaman, Restoran Alif Bistro
"Awesome it has all it takes to manage business remotely and has accuracy information. I recommend this to retail shops really it will reduce burdens and financial cost that are unnecessarily."
- Mr. Iqbal, Selaseh Fresh Mart
"Good product and knowledgeable team ... thanks guys"
- Parveen Biriyani
"Excellent product with a handful of significant features. Highly recommended for restaurant owners, meets my needs great pos system cheers!"
- Mr.Farid, Mamu FZ Nasi Kandar